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Writer's pictureNatasha Rivera

Prayers & Proverbs Challenge

Join me and several other sisters in the Prayers & Proverbs Challenge! Sign up below. I'm excited to see what God reveals during this time! My prayer is that He will soften our hearts, further teach us His wisdom, and mature us in Christ discipleship.

THE CHALLENGE Each day during the month of August, we'll read a chapter from the Book of Proverbs that corresponds with that day's date. My goal is that we develop a habit and consistency in reading and feeding ourselves the Word of God daily. Another part of this challenge is to pray daily. Jesus desires a personal relationship with each of us! One of the ways we can enjoy a growing, healthy relationship with Him is through prayer and including Him in all areas of our lives. I recently wrote a blog post on why prayer is so important and beneficial for the believer. CHALLENGE PART II Keep a journal close by, so you can take notes and capture your thoughts and learnings throughout this challenge. You can also go public by posting a verse each day on social media that really speaks to you, and share with your friends and family. Use hashtags #prayersandproverbschallenge #mocatoday. Lastly, please know this challenge is not about general Bible consumption or checking the box that you've prayed for the day! This should be fun and encouraging time with the Lord, not another chore! So, please take your time with reading and prayer. Make sure you first ask God to reveal what He wants to show you and then carve out time to pray and reflect on each chapter daily. If you get behind, I encourage you not to quit the challenge, or beat yourself up. Instead, simply skip to the chapter of the current day or catch up as you can.

Remember, it's all about progression, not perfection! God loves you! With Him, you got this!

- Natasha

Just a few reminders:

We're in this together! Connect with other Mocas, join our private Facebook group. You can also subscribe to our site below and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Looking for inspirational clothing and jewelry? Shop our online store.

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Natasha Rivera
Natasha Rivera
Aug 07, 2020

Same @Elyssa! Couldn't agree more! I love how Proverbs gives us insight into God's wisdom and perspective on a variety of topics.


Elyssa Lassiter
Elyssa Lassiter
Aug 07, 2020

This is great! I love how the lessons I'm learning from Proverbs applies to my daily life. There are some lessons that "step on my toes" (in a good way) and I need that! :) Thankful!

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