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Writer's pictureNatasha Rivera

Post #50: Trust God. Will your gifts make room for you?

Evening Y'all! I pray this post encourages you and gives God glory! Got suggested topics you want me to write about? Please comment below or email me at

It's a special day! Cheers to today's post being the 50th blog post for MoCA Today!

Wow, time flies when you're having fun!

I sincerely thank you for reading and supporting MoCA Today!

When I started this blog, I had no idea what God had in mind or where He would take it... I just knew I had a gift to write, always enjoyed writing in general, and then came a new desire [Thank you Holy Spirit!] to use that gift to glorify God and teach people about Him and His Word. What I thought would be occasional posts from time-to-time, as the Holy Spirit led, quickly turned into weekly posts covering a range of topics.

Overall, it's been an amazing journey that has grown my discipline and love for God. I also think it's a beautiful testimony on how God can use the gifts He's given us [We all have them. Read 1 Corinthians 12.] to glorify Him, study His Word, teach others about Him, encourage one another, and share the gospel about Jesus Christ.

No matter how much we have been gifted with one gift or another, we are all called upon to develop a number of areas mentioned in the lists of spiritual gifts: to be hospitable, to show acts of mercy, to serve one another, to evangelize, etc. As we seek to serve God out of love for the purpose of building up others for His glory, He will bring glory to His name, grow His church, and reward us (1 Corinthians 3:5-8, 12:31–14:1).

Did you know the Bible says our God-given gifts will make room for us?

A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. ~Proverbs 18:16 (NKJV)

Therefore, no matter what our gifts are, large or small, common or unique, we need not to worry that there's "too much competition", "the market is already saturated", or that someone else will do it better.

Instead, we can rest in full confidence that God will ensure the gifts He's given us will make room for us. In other words, God will create a space (or make room) for our gifts to be used to glorify Him and serve others (if we allow Him).

Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God. ~1 Peter 4:10 (CSB)

These truths were huge for me! Because honestly, when I first started this blog journey, I was a little intimidated by other "more-established" Christian bloggers out there... I questioned if anyone would read my blog or if I could actually make an impact in any sort of way that pleased God and blessed others. But after studying the Word and much prayer, I squashed all my doubt and trusted God's Word that He would indeed make room for me too.

Fast forward to todayIt's truly been a pleasure to serve and God continues to blow my mind! Thank you Jesus!

Do you know what your gifts are? If you do, how are you using them?

Knowing your gift will pave a way for you to fulfill your God-given purpose. ~Nakawala Amponsah

If you don't know what your gifts are, please spend time with the Lord via prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and serving to learn what they are.

You will feel most fulfilled when God has revealed your gifts and then you allow Him to use them for His purposes (Psalm 138:8, 1 Corinthians 10:31).

In a helpful article, Allan Parr shared at least Four Points on Activating Your God-given Gifts:

  • Believe God.

  • Plan and execute.

  • Be willing to learn and be taught.

  • Be your greatest cheerleader.

Remember, it's about progression not perfection!

God loves you! With Him, you got this! Until next post, may God give you His peace and blessings!


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Mar 24, 2021

congrats on making it to 50 posts!!! I am learning so much from your blogs and just doing bible time with you. My prayer is to learn what my gifts are and to glorify God through them as He reveals to me. I MUST have faith though that he will reveal them in HIS time. How were you sure it was God that revealed your gift to you?

Natasha Rivera
Natasha Rivera
Mar 24, 2021
Replying to

Awww, thank you sis! Your encouragement and support have blessed me!

How was I sure it was God who revealed my gifts? It all starts with a growing, consistent relationship with the Lord that allowed the Holy Spirit to speak into my thoughts, actions, and emotions... Over time, the Holy Spirit began to reveal my gifts and they lined up to biblical truths and spiritual gifts also explained in the Bible as well. So, it's like the Holy Spirit will reveal things and then they align with the Word of God and ultimately glorify (or honor) Him. This is key because Satan also has "gifts" and we must have a relationship with the Lord and know His Word to know…

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