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Writer's pictureNatasha Rivera

God is showing us some things!

Morning Y'all! Happy Monday! Finally, I've mustered the courage to write my first blog post. Yay me! I pray it encourages you and gives God glory! Got suggested topics you want me to write about? Please comment below or email me at

So, like most in the Hampton Roads area, today marks Week Six on when our local world changed in what seemed like overnight...

We literally went to bed in one world and then woke up the next day to a completely different world!

First, schools closed for two weeks and not too long after that, the governor ordered all Virginia public schools to close for the remaining 2019-20 school year. Businesses deemed non-essential were also ordered to close. Thousands lost their jobs. Then, those of us still with jobs were told by our employers to work remote and practice "physical distancing" until further notice. Next, if above wasn't enough shocker, sadly many of us started getting word that our very own family members, friends, neighbors and/or coworkers were getting attacked by the Corona virus... All of this happened within days, sometimes hours of each other. Suddenly, what seemed like a deadly crisis so far away, so out of reach for us, had now reached our little village, entered our own homes for some. Talk about traumatic experience!

At first, I really didn't know what to think about everything that was happening. I, like most, experienced bouts of sadness, worry, anxiety, fear and even anger at times.

I talked to family and friends. And, of course, everyone had their own opinions about our temporary new normal.

Then, by continued prayer and reading the Word, the Holy Spirit reminded me what I knew about God and His character: I remembered that His Word says that God is Spirit (John 4:24) and that He doesn't give us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7).

I remembered that the world's nature is always averse to righteousness and the things of God (James 4:4).

While the world was panicking and freaking out, rightfully so, I thought, "It's probably wise for me to steer the opposite direction. And instead, practice self-control through this chaos, and be confident that God is still in control. He is still with me and this is the time to rely on my faith and walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16) more than I ever have before in my life."

In that moment, I chose to trust God no matter what happened over the next several days and months. I decided no matter how bad it gets for me, my family, church family, friends, coworkers, etc., I was going to continue loving, living, praising God and trusting Him even in this uncertain, volatile, scary season. And so, with that attitude and decision, I've been able to find joy amid this chaos and uncertainty. That's what happens when you truly surrender your cares and worries to the Lord (1 Peter 5:7)! You begin to experience the type of peace, because there's different types of peace, that only Jesus can give (John 14:27).

And so, despite all the ups and downs and having to respect physical distancing, I've been connecting with friends and family more than ever. For example: Weekly now, my extended family hosts a Zoom video call. It's a great time for us to see each other, pray together and share updates. Moreover, the quality time I now have with my children has been amazing. I've been writing more. I've been reading more. I've been learning to trust God more. I've been praying more. I've been working on my health, both mental and physical. I've been talking to God more. I've also been stumbling across so many encouraging stories of folks helping each other out, others now accepting Jesus Christ, rumors of undeniable miracles, big and small. It's like we as a people are remembering that we're all in this together and it's about doing the right thing versus further satisfying our greedy and selfish tendencies. In all, while many parts of this season have been absolutely devastating for many, we're also experiencing many beautiful moments near and far, because of this crazy season.

Given this, I think it's safe to assume God is showing us some things. I believe God is using such a time as this to reveal and confirm the following:

  1. We have no control. Everything we own, breathe, touch, smell, taste, see and hear is allowed and only possible by the grace of God (Romans 3:23-24), not by our own works and control (Proverbs 16:33). At any moment, God can literally stop the world as we know it and get our undivided attention. Talk about reality check!

  2. God is sovereign and above all things. This means FOR ALL persons, places and things, God either allowed it or caused it to happen (Colossians 1:16-17, Isaiah 45:7-9). Guess what!?! The Corona virus is not bigger than God! In fact, it had to get God's permission before it could even roam and infect man. Do you believe that? And in the same way, when God has had enough of the Corona virus, and we've repented and turned back to Him, He will remove it and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14).

  3. God can take what was meant for evil purposes (malicious intent) and use it for our good (Romans 8:28). While the Corona virus only seeks to kill, steal, and destroy lives (John 10:10), God is using it to draw us closer to Him. He's using it to perform miracles and breakthroughs. He's using it to make us remember how to be kind, good neighbors and friends again. Furthermore, for believers, He's using it to test and strengthen our faith. For the goal of faith is eternal salvation (1 Peter 1:9).

  4. We should never take life and God's grace for granted. I don't know about you, but I don't think I'll ever again take for granted being able to send my children to school, being able to fellowship and worship inside my church, being able to hug my friends and family, being able to travel abroad, go to the movies and so much more. Having all of that snatched away so unexpectedly and sudden has given me a heart of gratitude like never before. And not to mention, the increased respect I now have for healthcare workers, grocery workers, restaurant workers, delivery drivers, trash collectors, postal service workers and the numerous others that are still working daily to provide essential services and care to us.

What do YOU think God is showing us? Comment below and share your thoughts.

Just a few reminders:

We're in this together! Connect with other Mocas, join our private Facebook group. You can also subscribe to our site below and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Looking for inspirational clothing and jewelry? Shop our online store.

Remember, it's all about progression, not perfection! God loves you! With Him, you got this! Until next post, may God give you His peace and blessings!


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Natasha Rivera
Natasha Rivera
Apr 20, 2020

Kesha - I totally agree. Talk about humbling experience! It's also comforting to know God cares enough about us to slow us down, correct us in the first place and give us yet another chance. Such a great example of Him as a loving father! Some times we need that "tough love" to get back on the right track.


Kesha Littleton
Kesha Littleton
Apr 20, 2020

I believe God is showing us how much we need HIM , as in we live we move in him we have our being he's showing us that he's being long-suffering slowing us down just enough allow us to see what's consuming us. We prayed for a Revival maybe this is the way and we don't like what it look like.

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