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Writer's pictureNatasha Rivera

Get off the bench! God desires discipleship, not just membership in His Church.

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God desires discipleship

Wow, there's still SO much going on in the world today! We can't turn on our televisions or visit a news site without being bombarded with tons of doom-and-gloom reporting- whether it's about increasing Corona virus numbers across states, violence of all kinds happening throughout the world, long-standing businesses filing for bankruptcy or going out of business, politicians at each other's throats, rumors of wars, protests, and the list keeps growing. It's A LOT, and the global pandemic has cranked things up several notches over the last four months. Current times have been extremely stressful, traumatizing for some, uncertain, discouraging and depressing at times, even for the most mature Christian.


Because as Christians, although we're called to walk in the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16-25), we're still human.

BUT, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we need not stay fretful or grow weary.

While the world assesses the times as concurrent hopeless tragedies, we should know better. Unlike non-believers, we have hope and confidence that the one true God, the living personal Savior Jesus Christ is always with us and will never leave nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). He has good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11), even in times of perceived great peril and global pandemics. No matter the circumstances or world's condition at any given time, we must operate from a place of victory because we already know how this story ends: This world is our temporary home. Jesus Christ lives. He ultimately defeats Satan and remains on the throne forever (See Book of Revelation).

We also know such a time as this presents incredible opportunities to walk in the Holy Spirit (versus walking in the flesh), serve, demonstrate unwavering trust in God and in His sovereignty, strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ and further mature our abilities to be effective and impactful disciples or followers of Jesus Christ- not just in our churches, but out in the world too.

Don't forget, despite no longer being of this world anymore (See Book of John), we're still called to live in it and complete the following until God calls us to our permanent home- heaven:

  • Grow Christlike character (Romans 5:3-4, 2 Corinthians 3:18)

  • Become Christ ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20)

  • Share the Good News about Christ (Mark 16:15)

Jesus Christ commands followers of Him,

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and know, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." -Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV)

Notice, Jesus didn't command us to go and make more church members of all the nations. Instead, He commands us to go and make true disciples of Him.

Hence, there is a difference between simply being a member of, belonging to a specific church or denomination and Christ discipleship.

A helpful article provides a detailed list of the differences between church membership and Christ discipleship within the Church body below.

Church membership vs. Christ discipleship:

  • Church members are more influenced by culture. Christ disciples are more influenced by the Kingdom of God.

  • Church members are more connected to God by ritual and the institution. Christ disciples are more connected to God by a relationship.

  • Church members tend to be autonomous in their faith journey. Christ disciples tend to be held accountable in their faith journey.

  • Church members view their faith as a matter of individual convenience. Christ disciples view their faith with a high level of commitment.

  • Church members remain individualistic, independent, and self-centered. Christ disciples pursue community, interdependence, and are Christ-centered.

  • Church members focus on church work as the major emphasis. Christ disciples focus on the ministry of the church in the world.

  • Church members are governed more by the natural realm. Christ disciples are more governed by the supernatural realm.

  • Church members are content with maintenance. Christ disciples are driven by mission and the great commission.

  • Church members are dependent on clergy for ministry. Christ disciples are dependent on the body of Christ for ministry.

  • Church members look to develop programs. Christ disciples look to develop ministries.

  • Church members consider themselves owners of material possessions. Christ disciples consider themselves stewards of material possessions.

  • Church members are content to give according to their own standard. Christ disciples are committed to the tithe and get there.

  • Church members stop with Jesus as Savior. Christ disciples follow Jesus as Lord.

  • Church members are Sunday-only Christians. Christ disciples are lifestyle Christians.

As you can see, Christ disciples can simply be defined as believers in and followers of Jesus Christ who (by way of God's grace, His unmerited favor, true repentance, the Holy Spirit, prayer, studying the Word, service, community, etc.) grow to think, act and feel like Jesus Christ in all matters of their private and public lives via a willful lifetime commitment.

Moreover, maturing disciples of Jesus Christ bear much good fruit (Matthew 7) and can positively impact their homes, personal relationships, local church, overall church body, surrounding communities, and the world.

"The call of Christ is a call to discipleship and not a call to membership. It is a call to serve, not to sit... Church membership connotes a sense of community and belonging, but discipleship communicates a sense of mission and purpose." -Ruthven J. Roy

Given above, are you a passive church member or an active disciple of Jesus Christ? Only you and God know.

But, please understand- We must first be the change we want to see. And with everything going on in the current and future times, the Church and the world don't need more passive church members spewing their personal opinions, preferences and biases to anyone that will listen. Both need more active, authentic, courageous, committed, agape-loving, God-fearing, Christ disciples that speak godly eternal truths, demonstrate Christlike character and bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit to help save souls, and turn away from evil and sin.

So, get off the bench and join Jesus's disciple command today! If you haven't done already, seek help and discernment from the Holy Spirit in prayer to grow you from passive church membership to active Christ discipleship. It greatly matters and is what Christ commands from our lives.

Next week- We'll review traits of a mature Christ disciple and learn how we can further grow in Christ discipleship.

Share your thoughts on this post in the comments below.

Just a few reminders:

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Remember, it's all about progression, not perfection! God loves you! With Him, you got this! Until next post, may God give you His peace and blessings!


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Feb 14, 2022

Looking forward to reading your God given words.

Natasha Rivera
Natasha Rivera
Feb 14, 2022
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Thank you!

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