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Writer's pictureNatasha Rivera

Breaking News! Christians should handle world matters differently.

Morning Y'all! I pray this post encourages you and gives God glory! Got suggested topics you want me to write about? Please comment below or email me at

Christians should handle world matters differently.

Whew! There's a lot going on! You can't turn on the TV, surf the Internet or listen to the radio without getting the latest on the Corona virus, or hear about Black Lives Matter protests around the world after the recent unjust murder of George Floyd. It's very clear this nation is divided on a number of issues, and tempers are high on all sides. Folks are angry, just plain tired of accepting the status quo, and using their various platforms to be VERY vocal about the times.

And so, as a Christian, are we immune to feeling and carrying the same or similar sentiments as others?

No, because we feel too.

We're not walking around with blinders on.

We see and have emotions too.

And yes, we are affected and troubled by what's going on in our neighborhoods, our cities and country too.

HOWEVER, there should be a difference between how Christians handle world affairs versus non-Christians.


Because as a real Christian:

  • We are called to identify with Jesus Christ FIRST AND ABOVE our culture, race, preferences, biases, personal opinions, etc. We're called to be Christ's ambassadors, not just within our comfy church walls, but also in the world and when dealing with world matters. In 2 Corinthians 5:20 (ERV), "So we have been sent to speak for Christ. It is like God is calling to people through us. We speak for Christ when we beg you to be at peace with God." Pastor Matt describes in the above linked video, "As disciples of Jesus Christ (a person who's given their life to Jesus, repented of their sins and put their faith and their trust in Him), we are called to think, act and feel like Jesus Christ."

  • The Holy Spirit indwells in us EXCLUSIVELY. And we know the Holy Spirit reveals to us God's will and teaches us God's eternal truths, not ever-changing worldly wisdom, through His Word, prayer and personal relationship with Him. We also know the Holy Spirit is the source that gives us discernment, godly direction and power to withstand and/or overcome all tests, trials and tribulations that come our way.

  • Our daily goals are to die to self and grow our abilities to demonstrate the fruits of the Holy Spirit IN ALL MATTERS. If we're real disciples of Jesus Christ, it's no longer about us, but now about giving God glory by becoming more Christlike in how we think, act and feel in ALL private and public matters.

Therefore, since we're Christ's ambassadors first, know God's eternal truths and the Holy Spirit indwells in us, how we think about and respond to world matters, especially world matters that intimately affect us, should look different than a non-Christian.

In other words:

  • Any time we have a platform, big or small, our mission should be to solely point back to Jesus Christ. It's not about sharing our personal opinions, personal philosophies or glorifying ourselves anymore. That's what the fallen world does. And we're no longer of this world, right? Instead, for a disciple of Jesus Christ, you and me, it's about always representing Christ (as His ambassador), pointing back to Him and sharing what His Word has to say about a matter. Remember, for us, it's about pleasing God not man (Acts 5:29).

  • We are called to be light in the darkness. (Matthew 5:14-16) Again, as Christ's ambassadors and possessors of the Holy Spirit- Within this world that rejects God, within this world filled with darkness, we should be the ones demonstrating love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We also know one of God's eternal truths teaches we don't overcome evil with evil. We overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21).

  • We should be long-tempered. That is, quick to listen and slow to anger (James 1:19), not just with fellow Christians, but with non-Christians too. Prayer and our personal relationship with Jesus Christ are critical here, because that's where we get discernment and the abilities to do this in the first place.

Given all the above, may this post be a gentle reminder of who we are in Jesus Christ and how we are to represent Him in the world.

I want you to search your heart and assess how you've been dealing with the latest world events. Only you and God know if you've been a good Christ ambassador and glorifying Him privately and publicly.

If you haven't or could be doing a better job, I'm happy to share we serve a merciful, forgiving God! Simply repent right now and ask God to reveal how and where you need to think, act and feel more like Jesus Christ.

Share your thoughts on this post in the comments below.

Just a few reminders:

We're in this together! Connect with other Mocas, join our new private Facebook group. You can also subscribe to our site below and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Remember, it's all about progression, not perfection! God loves you! With Him, you got this! Until next post, may God give you His peace and blessings!


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