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Writer's pictureNatasha Rivera

7 Signs of True Change, Real Repentance

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7 Signs of True Change, Real Repentance

Surprise! None of us are perfect!

And, simply being human on this planet is synonymous with having to deal with weaknesses and strongholds in our lives. We overcome such things by the fruits of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord! After we accept Jesus Christ, we should begin a personal relationship with Him. And then, enjoy His teachings and study His Word to grow Christlike character, and gain abilities to turn away from doing things that displeases God.

To go a bit deeper- All of us are sinners, only saved by God's grace (Romans 11:6), and not by our own works. Even on our best day, our "good works" are like filthy, bloodstained rags compared to God's incredible holiness and righteousness:

But we are all like an unclean thing, And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags; We all fade as a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, Have taken us away. -Isaiah 64:6 (NKJV)

Therefore, it's safe to conclude that in this life we will unknowingly and sadly, even willfully, commit immoral thoughts and acts (Matthew 26:41) that are against God's standards and moral codes. The Bible calls such detestable acts sin, and sin greatly displeases or offends God because it separates us from Him and could ultimately lead to loss of our salvation.


For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. -Romans 6:23 (KJV)

So, if we're natural born sinners, yet God desires none of us perish (2 Peter 3:9),

what's between us being able to live a life of NO MORE willful, habitual sinning and salvation?

I'm glad you asked.

Answer- It's real repentance AND Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior!

As a child and even early in my Christian walk as a young adult, I thought repentance simply meant telling God I was sorry for committing a sin, which I just knew ensured His forgiveness, and then moved on to the next thing. Except after, I would wonder why I still struggled with that particular sin and kept finding myself in an ugly cycle of committing it again and again, even after I already "repented".

It wasn't until a few years ago- After careful Bible study and time with the Holy Spirit, did I learn the true definition of what real, Bible-based repentance is, that stops cycles of sin, along with what it practically looks like in my life. Learning these godly truths were incredibly eye-opening for me and changed how I overcame my own sin and dealt with sin committed against me going forward.

Simply put- Real repentance, as described throughout the Old and New Testaments in the Bible, involves two things:

  • Full disclosure of our sin, confession of our sins to Jesus Christ followed by

  • Genuine turning away from that sin altogether, and instead turning to God and the things of God.

Real repentance equals real change.

And, if you've genuinely, sincerely repented of your sins, there will be clear outward evidence of an internal heart change, along with a turn to God. Moreover, real repentance involves turning away from sin, receiving God's forgiveness, and results in new, godly fruit (Matthew 3:7-8). Meanwhile, fake repentance (or counterfeit repentance)- perpetuates sin, produces additional sin, and does not receive God's forgiveness.

In other words- Real repentance matters!

And, it's important to know the difference between the real and counterfeit.

7 Signs of True Change, Real Repentance:

  • Confession. No more hiding, secrets and excuses. You've genuinely, truthfully, openly confessed your sin to Jesus Christ and to those affected by your sin. (1 John 1:6-9)

  • Change of heart. You no longer have a heart that pursues that particular sin, but rather pursues God and His fruit instead. You experience godly sorrow (2 Cor. 7:8-11), deep convictions and righteous anger where that sin is concerned. In fact, you're now disgusted at even the thought of that sin, not to mention actually committing it again. Given this, you proactively turn away from it, opting to no longer willfully continue offending God with that sin going forward. (Acts 26:20)

  • Consequences. Did you know every decision has a consequence, as consequences are simply results of an action or condition? When you've truly repented and experiencing real repentance, you're ready and willing to accept the consequences, good or bad, of your actions. You're ready to face who you've offended, ask for forgiveness, and take steps to make peace with them. (Galatians 6:7-8)

  • You seek accountability. In addition to spending time with the Holy Spirit and studying God's Word, you now welcome godly accountability partners, professional counsel (if needed) and community to help you grow and strengthen your ability to turn away from sin. A helpful article describes, "We don't resent accountability, pastoral rebuke, or church discipline."

  • Your choices are different. Before, you would willfully choose people, places and sinful things that were averse to God and offended Him. Now, you think twice and willfully pursue people, places and things that are godly and pleases God.

  • Your lifestyle is different. Real repentance reflects a changed life in Jesus Christ with a softened heart for God. Are you now bearing God's fruit and experiencing a different way of living that pleases God and supports His standards?

  • How you spend your time is different. Real repentance involves the willingness and use of your precious time, our greatest treasure, to grow in Jesus Christ and pursue His purposes for your life. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21)

We've reviewed what real repentance is, along with seven signs of what it practically looks like.

Do you now have a better understanding of what real versus counterfeit repentance is?

It's also important to note- God reveals and throughout His Word, illustrates to us what true change, real repentance looks like. Therefore, it's critical to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and study His Word to grow Christlike character, truly repent and stop willfully sinning.

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Remember, it's all about progression, not perfection! God loves you! With Him, you got this! Until next post, may God give you His peace and blessings!


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