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Writer's pictureNatasha Rivera

6 Simple Ways to Grow a Relationship with God!

Afternoon Y'all! I pray this post encourages you and gives God glory! Got suggested topics you want me to write about? Please comment below or email me at

Want to learn what your purpose is? Ever desire to personally hear from God? Want to know God for yourself? If you answered 'Yes' to any of the above questions, please note it begins with first deciding to establish and grow a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Because it's the growing relationship with Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, that transforms us from the inside out and enables us to intimately connect with God.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. ~2 Corinthians 5:17

Yes, it's the thriving relationship with Christ that teaches us who God is, who we are in Christ [our true identity], what repentance is all about, how we should do life, how we should treat each other, being Christ ambassadors, and the list goes on.

Hence, it's ALWAYS a GREAT thing to pursue a thriving relationship with the Lord!

In a helpful article, Elizabeth Cottrell shares 6 Simple Ways to Build A Relationship with God:

  1. Take the time to touch bases with God, acknowledging, and giving thanks for His presence.

  2. Invite Him to come close— to sit with you at your heart’s kitchen table and just hang out.

  3. Talk. Some days this will feel like pouring out your heart. Other days, it will be casual chit-chat. Occasionally, all you’ll be able to manage is, "Here I am, Lord. Please be with me." Between friends, it’s all good.

  4. Listen. Remember to make it a two-way conversation and expect to hear from God, just as you would from a trusted friend. God wants you to know how much He loves you. He wants to offer support and guidance to you. If you don’t take the time to listen, you won’t hear His "still, small voice." For me, this communication from God comes in any of various forms: thoughts, feelings, music, reading, nature, other people, or circumstances. Sometimes I only recognize God’s voice in retrospect.

  5. Make contact throughout your day. Being in touch with God doesn’t have to be only during times of meditation or prayer. It can be while you’re on the run, when you’re in the midst of activities, or when you have a moment’s break. Malcolm Boyd wrote a wonderful book back in the sixties whose theme is still relevant today: Are You Running With Me, Jesus?

  6. Take action when you hear God’s voice. If you feel God is guiding you or telling you something, take action on it as soon as possible. The insight you receive may only show you where to take the next step, but once you’ve taken that step, the following step will appear in front of you. Even though there is electrical power in your house, the light doesn’t turn on until you have flipped the switch to harness that power. God’s power is waiting for you to remember to flip the switch.

Cottrell goes on to explain,

Make these six steps regular practices and expect it to take time. You’ll find yourself gradually learning to recognize God’s voice and beginning to trust it. One day, you’ll realize you’re in a relationship with God that is treasured and invaluable in your life. Don’t confuse the emotion with the reality. Even with earthly friends, some days you feel closer to them than others. True friendships surpass the day-to-day vagaries of emotion. ~Elizabeth Cottrell

I often describe that God is in the long game with us on earth. Unlike the devil, God desires none to perish (2 Peter 3:8-10).

Nevertheless, do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day. The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. ~2 Peter 3:8-10 (AMP)

Therefore, God takes His time with us— slowly chipping away at the things or areas in our lives that are displeasing to Him. He does this by way of: Biblical teachings [We must study the Word of God.], prayer, correction, discipline, tests, and circumstances.

Essentially, we are refined over time (Zechariah 13:9) if we stay planted with the Lord and keep Him as our personal Lord and Savior.

We must recognize that God's transformative work in us is a steady process.

Moreover, everything God allows in and out our lives, good and bad, are not wastes and ultimately for our good (Romans 8:28).

What other tips have helped you grow your relationship with the Lord? I'd love to hear from you!

Remember, it's about progression not perfection! God loves you! With Him, you got this! Until next post, may God give you His peace and blessings!


Just a few reminders:

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